Things You Should Read/Watch/Know as An Interaction Design Student
Things You Should Read/Watch/Know as An Interaction Design Student
DISCLAIMER: this collection is only sporadically updated and therefore brutally outdated. some links or references may even be dead …
Most of the Books listed here are available in our well-assorted library.
- Conny Freyer & Sebastien Noel & Eva Rucki, Thames & Hudson: Digital by Design: Crafting Technology for Products and Environments, 2010
- Paola Antonelli: Design and the Elastic Mind, 2008 ( Thames & Hudson )
- Madeline Schwartzman: See Yourself Sensing: Redefining Human Perception, 2011 ( Black Dog Pub Ltd )
- ‘Design Noir: The Secret Life of Electronic Objects’, Anthony Dunne and Fiona Rab, Basel : Birkhäuser, 2001
- ‘Hertzian Tales: Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design’, Anthony Dunne, Cambridge : MIT Press, 2008
- ‘Designing Everyday Computational Things’, Johan Redström, Göteborg : Göteborg University, Department of Informatics, 2001
- ‘101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindogu’, Kenji Kawakami, New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 1995
- ‘Shaping Things’, Bruce Sterling, Cambridge : MIT Press, 2005
- ‘Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop - from Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication’, Neil Gershenfeld, New York, NY : Basic Books, 2005
- ‘Data flow : visualising information in graphic design’, Robert Klanten, Gestalten, 2008
- ‘Tangible : High touch visuals’, R. Klanten & S. Ehmann & M. Hübner, Gestalten, 2009
Interaction Design Classics
- Bill Moggridge: Designing Interactions, 2007, Cambridge : MIT Press
- Donald Norman: The Design of Everyday Things, 2001, London : MIT Press
Procedural and Generative Design
- Casey Reas + Ben Fry – Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists (2007)
- Daniel Shiffman – Learning Processing (2009)
- Daniel Shiffman – The Nature of Code (2013)
- Hartmut Bohnacker + Benedikt Groß + Julia Laub: Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with Processing (2012)
- ‘Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture’, Casey Reas & Chandler McWilliams
Physical Computing
- ‘Getting started with Arduino: the Open Source electronics prototyping platform’, Massimo Banz, Beijing : O‘Reilly, 2009
- ‘Physical computing: sensing and controlling the physical world with computers’, Dan O. Sullivan, Boston : Thomson, 2007
- ‘Making Things Talk: Practical Methods for Connecting Physical Objects’, Tom Igoe, Beijing : O‘Reilly, 2007
- ‘Alien Phenomenology, or What It’s Like to Be a Thing (Posthumanities)’, Ian Bogost
- ‘The Craftsman’, Richard Sennett : Yale University Press, 2008
Fiction / Non-Ficition / Science-Fiction
- William Gibson: Neuromancer Trilogie
- Edwin Abbott Abbott: Flatland – A Romance of Many Dimensions, 1884
- Neural (Alessandro Ludovico)
- HOLO (Alexander Scholz)
- Wired
- form
- Make Magazine
- Page
- Frame
- Plot went dark 2020
- designreport went dark 2019
- Creative Applications (Filip Visnjic)
- We Make Money Not Art (Régine Debatty)
- Wired Magazine Blog
- Rhizome
- Frame Magazine Blog
- Designboom
- Prosthetic Knowledge last update 2020
- Infosthetics went dark 2014
- Plot Magazine Blog last update 2021
- Creators last update 2017
- Fahrenheit 451, François Truffaut (1966)
- Playtime, Jacques Tati (1967)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick (1968)
- THX 1138, George Lucas (1971)
- Rollerball, Norman Jewison (1975)
- Gizmo!, Howard Smith (1977)
- Star Wars IV–VI, George Lucas (1977–1983)
- Blade Runner, Ridley Scott (1982)
- Tron, Steven Lisberger (1982)
- They Live, John Carpenter (1988)
- Ghost in the Shell, Kōkaku Kidōtaid (1995)
- eXistenZ, David Cronenberg (1999)
- Spirited Away, Hayao Miyazaki (2001)
- Lost in Translation, Sofia Coppola (2003)
- Our Daily Bread, Nikolaus Geyrhalter (2005)
- The Sky Crawlers, Mamoru Oshii (2008)
- The Yes Men Fix the World (2009)
- District 9, Neill Blomkamp (2009)
- Black Mirror, Charlie Brooker (2011)
- Indie Game the Movie, Lisanne Pajot + James Swirsky (2012)
- Mark Lombardi - Kunst und Konspiration, Mareike Wegener (2012)
- TheGreenEyl
- Studio NAND
- Feld
- onformative
- Art+Com
- WHITEvoid
- Quadrature
- schnellebuntebilder
- dan pearlman
- archimedes
- Artificial Rome
- Tamschick media+space
- pch-innovations
IxDSnow part of pwc- kling klang klong
- Numen / For Use
- Field
- United Visual Artists
- Troika
- Variable
- Hirsch & Mann
- Cohen & Van Balen
- Superflux
Research Labs
- Disney Research
- Microsoft Research
- Sony Research
- Volkswagen Electronics Research Laboratory
- Intel Labs
- Google Research
- Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design ( more institute than studio or research lab )
a list of universities with programs in the same realm as ours:
- UdK Berlin / Digitale Klasse
- HfG Offenbach / Elektronische Medien
- KHM Köln / Experimentelle Informatik
- Bauhaus Universität Weimar / Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung
- FH Potsdam / Interfacedesign
- The School for Poetic Computation
Festivals & Conferences
- Ars Electronica Festival
- KIKK Festival
- Push Conference
- Transmediale
- lab.30
- Vector Hack Festival
- FIBER Festival
Tools + Applications
- ( incl P5.js )
- openFrameworks
- KiCad
- TouchDesigner
- Unity
- Unreal Engine
- Pure Data ( PD )
- Fusion360
- Rhino 3D
- FreeCAD
- Blender
- Figma
- MoMA: TALK TO ME, 2011
- MoMA: Design and the Elastic Mind, 2008
There is also a very similar document at Things You Should Know as An Interaction Design / New Media Art Student.