Software Libraries


Algorithmic Clichés

this repository contains a collection of algorithmic clichés and according simple examples.

  • on github:


'’JSyn allows you to develop interactive computer music programs in Java. You can run them as stand-alone applications, or as Applets in a web page using the JSyn Plugin. JSyn uses native methods written in ‘C’ to provide real-time audio synthesis for Java programmers. JSyn can be used to generate sound effects, audio environments, or music. JSyn is based on the traditional model of unit generators which can be connected together to form complex sounds. For example, you could create a wind sound by connecting a white noise generator to a low pass filter that is modulated by a random contour generator.’’, from the [ JSyn Homepage]

  • [ Native JSyn]
  • [ Pure Java JSyn]


'’ARToolKit is a software library for building Augmented Reality (AR) applications. These are applications that involve the overlay of virtual imagery on the real world. For example, in the image to the right a three-dimensional virtual character appears standing on a real card. It can be seen by the user in the head set display they are wearing. When the user moves the card, the virtual character moves with it and appears attached to the real object.’’, from the [ ARToolkit Homepage]

The library is available for Linus, Mac OS X, and Windows. Recently an [ iPhone version] was added to the bouquet ( for which you need to apply ).

There is a [ professional version] and an [ ARToolkit opensource version] ( which seems to be abandoned ) available.

The library is written in C, but there a other implementations available like this pure java implementation which is called [ NyARToolkit].


'’OpenCV is a computer vision library originally developed by Intel.’’ quoted from the [ wikipedia entry] for OpenCV.

OpenCV is ‘‘the’’ opensource computer-vision library. It combines an enormous number of strategies to make computer see; among which are ‘‘Facial recognition’’, ‘‘Gesture recognition’’, ‘‘Object Identification’’, and ‘‘Motion tracking’’ but also machine-learning strategies like ‘‘Artificial neural networks’’ or ‘‘Naive Bayes classifier’’.

The actual [ OpenCV library] is written in C and available on at least Linux, Mac OS X and Windows ( theoretically also on iPhones ). There is a number of language bindings available. For example a java/processing binding called [ OPENCV Processing and Java Library], tatata. It is not really up to speed but i.e. it still uses OpenCV 1.0 which is somewhat outdated.

Camera integration is still somewhat of a guessing game, but there is a [ list of cameras] that seem to work all right.

A Loose Collection of Libraries|charset# UTF-8|short|date|max# 50

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